I had Sin How's salted chicken for lunch. Somehow, I didn't find it salty enough. I love the chicken as it wasn't dry. It was juicy! *yummy* I think the problem either lies with my taste bud or it was a defective chicken. Haha.. I shall ask my parent's feed back. I want to try some more! SIN HOW, SALTED CHICKEN!!!
Bob and I met on bus 25 to Bedok interchange. Bob had a haircut! We had dinner there and ice cream at Mac before I had to leave for work. Time was short! =(
Happy Days wasn't a pleasant place to work. The supervisor is a meanie!!! *grrrr*
Random stuff: Customer entertained me. No offense to any religion.
M- Man O- Only
A- Always R- Romance
R- Respect O- On
L- Ladies B- Bed
B- Because L- Ladies
O- Of R- Respect
R- Romance A- All
O- Only M- Man
Beer is bad coz it makes one lose the conscious mind. But Jesus promote beer.
B- Bible Reading
E- Effective prayer
E- Evangelism
R- Repentance
Young: F- Father Teen: F- Father Adult: F- Father
A- And A- And A- And
M- Mother M- Mother M- Mother
I- I I- I I- I
L- Love L- Like L- Leave
Y- You Y- You Y- You
When you go overseas in food business, you need to take jabs to ensure your health and welfare. You will have 4 Gods protecting you.
J- Jesus
A- Allah
B- Buddha
S- Shiva